
I love it
I hate it
It is frustration
But the results can be amazing… so look up

Where I shoot from


Hollywood Hills area of Los Angeles California


Joshua Tree California

Twentynine Palms , California

Amboy , California

Mt. Pinos / Frazier Park , California

Red Rock Canyon , California


Astro – The Equipment

Some of the images

Astrophotography . 2023

Astrophotography . 2022

Astrophotography . 2021

Sites I read  – Just like everywhere on the internet… people have opinions but a lot of knowledge is here. There is some bias against some of the cheaper brands out there.

Software I use


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do you deal with all the light pollution?  Answer : Astro – Light Pollution
  2. Is the image you produce 1 image? Answer : No, There is a lot of grooming of the data by using a combination of light frames, dark frames , flat frames, dark flat frames, and more. Some of my images are made from 600+ images over multiple days.Reference :